“The Jung Center
saved my life.”

 The Jung Center - Board of Trustees

The Jung Center's Board of Trustees is dedicated to providing sound oversight and governance for the organization. The Board is comprised of professionals from diverse backgrounds and expertise, including finance, psychology, law, education, and the non-profit sector. The Board is responsible for setting goals and policies, providing financial oversight, and ensuring the Center’s mission is fulfilled. With their collective knowledge, the Board guides The Jung Center in delivering quality programs and services to the community.

Founding President

The Board of Trustees recognizes the hard work and dedication of The Jung Center's founding President Carolyn Grant Fay

1914 – 2016

Carolyn Grant Fay MA, LPC, ADTR

Executive Committee

John W. Price, PhD, LPC,  President

Elaine DeCanio, PhD, Vice-President

Nicole Nathan Gibson, Secretary

Eduardo T. Saucedo, Treasurer

Board Members

  • Lynn H. Baird
  • Lydia P. Dugan
  • Marc E. Grossberg
  • Lee E. Hancock
  • Lisa Helfman
  • Dr. Gina Evans Hudnall
  • Shelley Kaplan
  • Frank N. McMillan III
  • Barbara Ryan
  • David Spaw
  • Maryann Tebbe
  • Nevine S. Webster
  • Crystal Wright, MD

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”


Carl Jung

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