Tending the Fire

A logo for the community for conscious aging

For more information, email onlinelearning@junghouston.org

or call us 713-524-8253

Join us as we explore tools that can help us care for ourselves while we continue to equip, support, and care for others.

How can mental health professionals and other individuals in emotionally expensive vocations handle the effects of everyday exposure to the pain and suffering of others? What sort of tools can help us better care for others, and how can reimagining our profession lead to taking better care of ourselves? Take a step back and tend to the fire with us.

Our Tending the Fire Programs are aimed at meeting our needs for learning, wellness, balance, compassion, mutuality, nurturance, and connection. 

These objectives can be realized through workshops, conferences, and healing circles designed for mental health professionals and other support professionals.


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