Creating Your Life

A logo for the community for conscious aging

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Explore how the arts and psychology work together to help us create well and whole lives.

What do the humanities and the wider psychoanalytic traditions have to teach us about the everyday, practical challenges of being human? How can the expressive arts help us journey inward and bring forward inner guidance that we may otherwise miss? In what ways can the arts help us deeply engage our curiosity, imagination, and innovation to create a more balanced and meaningful life?

You do not need to see yourself as creative to benefit from our Creating Your Life programs. 

You may find that you have far more insights and innovative ideas for improving your life than you previously imagined.

Creating Your Life programs are aimed at increasing self-awareness, self-connection, emotional awareness and expression, stress reduction, decision-making and discernment, social awareness and connection, and living with meaning and purpose. 

These objectives can be realized via practical application of various psychoanalytic traditions through the practice of writing and story-telling, film and book studies, performance and play, active imagination, visual arts, and by addressing challenges to improve daily life by applying the creative process; identify, imagine, analyze, plan, test, improve, reflect, and refine.


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