Community for

Conscious Aging

Your Resource for the Second Half of Life

A logo for the community for conscious aging

For more information, email

or call us 713-524-8253 ext 113

The Jung Center of Houston's Community for Conscious Aging (CCA) offers unique community events and activities where all are invited to explore their gifts and challenges. We serve in community, find new purpose & passion, confront the cultural view of aging, consider end-of-life matters, combat isolation, and develop a deeper relationship with the unconscious in order to uncover what is coming alive within us.


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Currently Scheduled Events

Our Mission

In the afternoon of our lives, our intention is to grow and sustain an inclusive learning community of vitality, purpose, wisdom, and grace.

Carl Jung's essay on aging is one of our guides. 

Download the Essay Here

Who We Are

The Community for Conscious Aging (CCA) is committed to approaching life with meaning and purpose as we age. Together, we discover how to shape our personal experience in a deeper way and share that discovery with others. We are guided by four pillars:

  • Connection: cultivate opportunities to gather together
  • Learning: grow in wisdom and in the capacity to reflect on our rich inner lives with clarity and integrity
  • Service: respond to the needs of others
  • Activism: confront the culture of ageism
A child 's collage of an apple tree with a fence in the background
A stack of books leaning against a tree trunk

Our History

The Community for Conscious Aging was formed in 2018. Our genesis came from conversations between friends about the process of aging, how to find or keep a community, and how to deal with the challenges of aging. We are a volunteer organization affiliated with The Jung Center. 

We’ve presented many excellent programs: Carl Jung’s Stages of Life; Resilience and How to Develop it; Finding Purpose as We Age; A Look at Racial Conditioning. We’ve mentored coffee groups and book studies and movie nights. Our small group meetings often form communities-—part of our mission. During Covid, we set up support groups about health and well-being and offered speakers via Zoom, which will remain a permanent platform for some of our offerings.

We’d love to have you join us!

Steering Committee

David Spaw, Chair

Sarah Garcia

Karleen Koen

Beth Quill

Dina McMearn

Mark Ryan

Maryann Tebbe

Karen Waldman

Judy Wilbratte

Sean Fitzpatrick

ex officio

A group of people are standing next to each other on top of a hill at sunset.

Emerging  Elderhood

Do you question- What lies ahead as I age? What does retirement mean? How will I chart the best course for me to be healthy and happy as I age?

You are not alone.

Most likely, you're
an Emerging Elder.


These questions, often unspoken, occupy many adults experiencing mid-life
transitions. Further, there's no blueprint for approaching the second half of life, much less
specific guidelines for aging.

Want to learn more?

Explore emerging elderhood through our Lunch & Learn with Sean Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., Executive Director of The Jung Center of Houston


Connect with the Community for Conscious Aging

Stress, Resilience, & Recovery websites we recommend

  • The Jung Center offers classes and talks online and in person. Topics range from meditation to navigating difficult times to deeply exploring life's meaningful topics. 
  • Houston’s Brené Brown is leading conversations to unlock our humanity with love and courage in this time of stress and change.
  • At Being, community member, Stan Merrill, offers a ten-minute guided meditation to help relax and calm. Stressful situations trigger the body’s fight or flight response releasing adrenaline into the bloodstream. When we are able to breathe long, slow, and deep while focusing our attention on the present moment, our disposition will change.
  • The practice of gratefulness is said to help with more positive emotions, better sleep, and stronger immune systems. Learn more at 

Catching up in the Age of Technology

Social media and video conferencing have become common tools for connection. Platforms like Facebook, FaceTime (Apple), Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp are free and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and/or Google Play. YouTube instructional videos are available online to help you set up and use these tools for technology-based connection.

Here are some other ways to get started: 







Join CCA on Facebook

Community for Conscious Aging members can share information, get to know each other, and provide mutual support by joining our online Facebook (FB) group created just for us. It’s called Community for Conscious Aging Houston. This is a closed group and completely separate from anyone’s personal FB page. You will be able to post information, ask questions, and dialogue about age-related issues and stresses. This is not a replacement for our website but an additional way to communicate. You must have a Facebook account to join the CCA closed group. 

If you don’t have a Facebook page, you can get started HERE

Join our Facebook Group
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